Just Become You
A to Z Daily Gratitude Practice

Get a daily gratitude prompt to build your gratitude practice from A to Z, starting today.

With this free series, you’ll establish the foundation of your daily gratitude practice.

In 26 days, you’ll have a gratitude practice that prepares you for the day ahead. 

Each prompt will arrive in a daily email with a link to share your insights if you choose to. Whether you share or not, take a few minutes each day to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper before you step into your daily routine. 

Look for your first email to arrive shortly after you join using the form below. Be sure to bookmark the email address so your emails land in your inbox, instead of your spam or your junk filter.

An introduction

Meet Coach Kat

“I love being in the business of guiding a 25 to 35-year-old female (who is knee-deep in becoming a unique, thriving, independent grownup woman) with inspirational guidance and practical tips for a sustainable life foundation for her 30s and beyond.”

– Kat Frati